Help your clients and patients breathe better, sleep better, and speak better!
A 10-module, self-guided course specifically designed for professionals who work with children who present with airway issues, mouth breathing, and low tongue posture, and prolonged articulation deficits.
Are you seeing clients or patients presenting with mouth or sleep disordered breathing? There’s an answer! Malocclusions, tongue thrust, and prolonged articulation deficits are a symptom of a much bigger problem. It’s not YOU!
There is likely a root cause… and it’s time to uncover it.
Want to help your patients achieve ultimate health and help your clients succeed?
You’re in the right place if your client or patient…
✔ Has been in articulation therapy for too long without making progress
✔ Consistently breathes through their mouth
✔ Had braces and their teeth have already started to shift
✔ Present with malocclusions or high narrow palate
✔ Has multiple cavities despite having good oral hygiene
✔ Has a tongue thrust
✔ Doesn’t wake up refreshed and ready to go
✔ Is snoring and tossing and turning all night
✔ Still wets the bed
✔ Displays ADHD symptoms
✔ Suffers from chronic congestion
✔ Wakes up with brain fog
These can become lifelong struggles if you don’t address the root cause early and accurately!
What if I could help you identify those problems, address some of them, and refer out where necessary so your clients or patients can…
✓ Become nasal breathers so they can sleep better
✓ Speak clearly without struggling through articulation therapy for years
✓ Not lose motivation because they’re in therapy or seeking medical solutions for too long
✓ Achieve optimal health through early intervention
✓ Feel good about themselves and celebrate their success
The Myo Approach Course
This 10-module, self-guided course is designed for professionals working with children facing airway issues, mouth breathing, low tongue posture, and articulation challenges.
It provides a comprehensive approach to addressing these concerns by focusing on root causes and effective treatment strategies, featuring lectures and insights from 10 leading experts in the field.
Inside this course, you will learn:
From Dina and from a line-up of world renowned specialists in the airway community
What orofacial myofunctional disorders are
What sleep disorders are, what causes them, and how to prevent them to avoid a cascade of problems later on in life
What noxious oral habits are and how they impact articulation
How articulation deficits are sometimes a symptom and not the problem
Exercises to teach you how to do tongue placement for articulation
Underlying issues to look for and when to refer out when doing a myofunctional assessment
What precedes a tongue-tie procedure
Meet the Instructors
Course Modules
The course includes 10 modules of professional education and training, 9 lectures from world renowned experts, 18.5 hours of training, a 120 page handbook, an entire library of digital downloads and resources, course handouts, and a certificate of completion.
Get familiar with the key concepts we will cover in this course. We’ll highlight disorders from tongue thrusts to low tongue rest posture, mouth breathing, and tethered oral issues, as well as the epigenetic factors that can cause these problems. Learn about tongue ties from the tongue tie specialist Dr Scott Siegel. Learn to optimize infants and toddlers airways from Dr Anna Gross.
Learn about the different stages of sleep and how disruptions to these stages lead to different challenges. We’ll go over sleep-disordered breathing and the different way it presents in children. Learn about airway disorders from Dr Victor and Sydney Avis of Airway Revolution Foundation.
Get familiar with the nasal structure and dig into all the life-changing benefits of breathing through the nose instead of the mouth.
Learn how to teach children about nasa breathing from Buteyko breathing instructor Patrick McKeown.
Learn about sleep and airway from the internationally known ENT/Sleep surgeon Dr Saroush Zaghi.
Get familiar with noxious oral habits like thumb sucking, prolonged pacifier use, and nail biting. Learn why these habits happen and how you can specifically target noxious habits to successfully terminate them.
Meet the active chewing device that is amazingly powerful at improving oral tone in babies, toddlers, children, pre-teens, teens, and even adults.
Learn about the lost art of chewing from Dr Mary Bourke. In addition Dr Bourke teaches about reflexes and the Myo Munchee.
Discover how the tongue is supposed to move when speaking, while exploring how crucial stability is for improved articulation and speech. You’ll get specific skills for helping with the /r/ sound and sibilants.
Master the skills required to analyze frontal and lateral lisps so you can target the right cause, differentiating between jaw-based and tongue-based therapy.
Get familiar with the oral structure problems that influence articulation, how those problems present in children, and what is needed for intelligible speech.
Learn from Dr Leonard Kundel about the influence of jaw development on airway and sleep.
This Module will teach you what is assessed in order to make an OMD diagnosis, including the key areas to examine and the one most important part of an evaluation. You’ll also learn about the structural, functional assessment, as well as chewing and swallowing assessment.
We’ll get into the nitty-gritty details of what myofunctional therapy is, what the goals of this specific type of therapy are, and what the focus of myofunctional therapy should be. Walk through some of the key research to see why this type of therapy works and how it can impact your clients or patients.
Learn what types of exercises to focus on, how to build intrinsic and extrinsic motivation with your patients or clients, and how to structure the therapy exercises. You’ll learn how to guide a child through each of the detailed exercises as well as how to talk to children about the importance of nose breathing for their own health. There will be video demonstrations for many exercises as well as a handout for reference and instructions.
Help Your Clients Succeed!
Get everything you need to understand what your clients are struggling with and how you can support their development and improvement.
When you enroll today, you’ll get immediate access to the full course, all downloads, resources, and handouts!
*Next launch price will go up to $749

Hi, I’m Dina!
With 19 years of therapy experience and a decade of teaching, I understand the frustration you feel when your patient is not making progress with articulation therapy, does not sleep well, struggles with mouth breathing and low tongue rest posture, and is dealing with all challenges that come with this.
I also know what your patients need to make meaningful progress in articulation, chewing, swallowing, and correcting oral rest posture… and I collaborated with world renowned experts to teach you everything in this course!
If you work with children who suffer from sleep disorders, mouth breathing, snoring, multiple cavities, ADHD symptoms, and prolonged articulation deficits despite traditional therapy – this course will give you everything you need to help your patient or client breathe better, sleep better, speak better, and live better!
So many people reach out to me from across the world who don’t have access to what I specialize in and seek my guidance… and now you have the opportunity to welcome me into your practice to support you and your patients.
Have a question? Here’s an answer!
Being that it is a brand new course, Brooklyn Myo cannot register with ASHA CE registry. But the course of training count toward the CEUs.
CEUs do not have to be taken with an CE providerASHA
You want to treat mouth breathing, sleep disordered breathing, and prolonged articulation disorders from the root cause. If the traditional approach you’re using isn’t helping your patient or client make meaningful progress and you’re not sure what else to do – this course is for YOU!
You can book a 1:1 consultation OR you can get this ENTIRE course full of comprehensive education, training videos, examples, and guidance from other professionals for about the same price.
The Myo Approach is the best value and MOST information and support you can get! We’ll answer all of your questions, including questions you didn’t even know you had.
Absolutely! The Myo Approach is designed to benefit a wide range of professionals, including speech-language pathologists, pediatric dentists, orthodontists, dental hygienists, and occupational therapists, providing tools and insights that can be applied across various disciplines.
Yes! While the course primarily focuses on addressing airway, articulation, and oral health issues in children, many of the techniques and strategies can also be applied to adults experiencing similar challenges.
No prior experience is necessary! The Myo Approach is designed to guide professionals at all levels, from beginners to those with advanced knowledge, providing a comprehensive foundation and actionable strategies.
You’ll receive lifetime access to all the course content, including modules, resources, and digital downloads. This allows you to revisit the material whenever you need a refresher or want to dive deeper into specific topics.
Yes! The Myo Approach is entirely self-guided, allowing you to progress through the modules and materials on your own schedule, making it easy to fit into your busy professional life.